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Darci Kincanon


My Story

After many attempts with other DS (direct sales) companies….  I was introduced to Scentsy – just as a customer at 1st.  I hosted my 1st “basket party” and earned rewards. As soon as my products arrived I instantly fell in love but I did not join the company for another 4 years… I knew I loved the products and I was purchasing on a regular basis so it just made “scents” to join the company for this reason but as soon as I jumped in with both feet – I realized Scentsy was different, and believe me I have been there / done that with other direct sales companies and Scentsy is by far the best company I have been part of.  I am married and a mom of 2 wonderful children.  I also work outside the home as a Paraprofessional.  Scentsy is so flexible I can work my business around my crazy schedule.  Since joining Scentsy I have met so many wonderful people who I now consider apart of my family and I have been able to actually make a supplemental income to contribute to my families finances instead of just spending money and never seeing any results. I LOVE watching my team grow and seeing each of them run successful businesses as well. Since joining January 2013 I have promoted 5 times my most recent promotion to Director ♡ I have also earned 3 all expense paid trips ♡ I can't even believe this is real at times because it doesn't feel like a "job" because it's so much fun.. If you have ever considered joining a direct sales company for a little extra money, to support a (retail therapy) habit, to be able to be home with your kids or maybe just to have a little bit of you time away from your house…  Scentsy could be just what you are looking for.  Contact me if you’d like to find out more about this amazing company.

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Darci Kincanon - Independent Scentsy Consultant






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